The Oxford Cytometry Club Constitution
The club shall be called The Oxford Cytometry Club, hereafter referred to as ‘the Club’.
The Club would aim to promote cytometry on an informal basis in the Oxfordshire area, by facilitating discussion of developments in cytometry research and associated technologies.
The Club shall consist of an unlimited number of members, and be open to anyone with an interest in cytometry and associated technologies. The Secretary shall maintain a register of the names and contact details of all club members who have registered an interest in attending the Clubs general meetings. In accordance with the conditions of the Data Protection Act (1998) members must consent to having this information recorded. The membership list will not be divulged to any third party.
- General meetings of the Club will be organised by the Club Committee. Membership of the Club Committee is not open to individuals with a direct commercial interest, that is in paid employment of a company or organisation that has a selling role within the cytometry community. If a committee member takes up such a commercial post whilst serving they should resign as soon as possible. Under normal circumstances members of the committee will serve for no longer than three years in any contiguous period within the same role. The committee shall be deemed quorate by simple majority.
- The members of the Club Committee shall be the Chairperson, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the IT/Webmaster and up to 8 other elected Ordinary Members. The members of the Club Committee shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting. In the event of any position becoming vacant the Club Committee shall, as soon as possible, fill the vacancy by appointment. The members of the Club Committee will attend all Committee Meetings, the Annual General Meeting and the General Meetings.
- The Chairperson will preside over all Committee meetings and the Annual General Meeting. The Chairperson, unless there are exceptional circumstances, shall be elected from the current Club Committee to ensure consistency of operation. The Chairperson shall be an authorised signatory of the Club bank accounts.
- The Secretary shall maintain a register of the names and contact details of the Club Committee. The Secretary shall issue notice of all General Meetings and Club Committee meetings, take minutes of the proceedings, and conduct such correspondence as may be necessary on behalf of the Club. The Secretary shall be an authorised signatory of the Club bank accounts.
- The Treasurer shall receive monies and make payments on behalf of the Club. The Treasurer shall maintain such records as may be necessary for the proper control of the Clubs finances. The Treasurer shall report on monies received and paid out to meetings of the Club Committee and shall make a report on the finances of the Club to the Annual General Meeting. The Treasurer shall be an authorised signatory for withdrawals from the Club bank accounts.
- f) The IT/Webmaster shall be responsible for maintaining a webpage for the Club. The IT/Webmaster shall be an authorised signatory for withdrawals from the Club bank accounts.
An account shall be opened in the name of “The Oxford Cytometry Club”. Payment into this account may be from any member. Cheques must be signed by two of four authorized signatories who are the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and IT/Webmaster. Internet banking transactions must be agreed upon by email correspondence by two of four authorised signatories.
All expenses incurred by members in arranging, publicising and catering for the Club must be supported by appropriate receipts.
- A General Meeting of the Club, to be called the Annual General Meeting, shall be held not later than the last day of November in each year. Members will be notified at least four weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting. All items for the agenda should reach the Secretary two weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting.
- The Committee shall have the authority to summon an Extraordinary General Meeting at any time and must do so within one month of the receipt by the Secretary of a requisition signed by not less than seven Members, specifying exactly the business for which such a Meeting is required.
- The time and the place of every Annual General Meeting shall be fixed by the Committee and specified in the notice convening it.
- A quorum at any General Meeting shall consist of fifteen Members, including at least one Officer of the Club.
- Resolutions shall be passed by a simple majority either by show of hands or by a paper ballot, as directed by the Chairman. Matters relating to the Constitution must be clearly stated on the Annual General Meeting agenda sent to all Members, and for approval must obtain a two-thirds majority of those present and voting.
A motion for the winding-up of the Club or for amalgamation with another Club must be included on the Agenda of a General Meeting. If those present and voting agree to wind up or amalgamate the Club by a two-thirds majority, the total Membership shall then be balloted by post or e-mail, and the amalgamation or winding-up will take place if two thirds of those voting are in favour of the motion. Final disposal of the Club’s assets shall be determined at this General Meeting, and be approved by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting.